Friday, 1 July 2011

Getting to know Nik(on)

Hello lovelies,

As i type this my head is banging and i cant swallow. I have the shivers too.
I caught the flu again.

I couldnt wait any longer to type up a blog though.
I went shopping with my lovely friend Amy on Tuesday.

We had a pub lunch and spent 4 hours walking around, she did the buying i did the sighing.

I sighed as i have no spare £.  Because i bought the Nikon D3100.  I love him.

~ Meet Nik ~

As i spent plenty lots on him i dont have any pennies left to buy frivlous things.

Well actually thats a lie, i bought a few.
Here is the teeny tiny amount of stuff i have picked up since Tuesday:

£1.00 each from Poundland - the blue is awesome

£1.00 each from Poundland

£2.00 from Primark

£2.50 from Primark

reduced to £1.00 from Primark

£1.99 from H&M ~ smells like holidays

reduced to £1.00 from H&M

I have also been updating my photography website and by the end of the week im hoping to be on my own site.
If you would like a nosey click HERE

Im off back to beddy byes with a lemsip and a few DVD's till husband comes home.

Thanks for reading
Take care

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