Thursday, 8 January 2009

DIY pah!!!!

Holed up at home all day today. Did a spot of home improvement yesterday with my Aaron and woke up this morning and couldnt walk.
I must have pulled a muscle in my lower back (right bum cheek!!!!)
I took some painkillers and decided to spend the day catching up with some blog reading and trying to relax
I took a nice bubble bath to ease the pain.
I have organised my favorites blogs and added some new blogs links to my list.
I did some laundry and sorted out a pile of magazines for recycling.
My dvd's are now sorted into order and everything has been dusted and tidied.
I have an appointment at the Dr's in the morning and i hope it isnt anything serious.
This evening i will be mostly watching a couple of films cuddled on the sofa with my hottie bottle. Aaron is out with his pals at the cinema so its little ol me time.
Its ironic that a little bit of DIY put my back out and gave me a day off work to do a little me me me.
Oh and i found this delicious little site too. I spent the afternoon reading all the archives.


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