Saturday, 3 January 2009

Goodbye 2008.. Hello New Year.

Reasons's to be cheerful..1...2...3
I have been so busy over the xmas period. I had a lovely time with the family and my man.
My camera is full of pictures waiting to be uploaded. Watch this face.....
Im also on count down to my wedding - 267 days to go.
I predict i will be blogging lots of wedding related items on here but before i come over all bridezilla i have to show you this.

I was browsing websites and i love love love the little Dior handbag gloss. Dior Spring 2009 Makeup: Lady Dior (Sneak Peek)
I want it.
Im sure i will embrace becoming wedding obsessed but for now.. for today i will be mostly looking at sites for frivolous, pretty, shiny little lovelies that take up most of my wage.
Wouldnt want it any other way.

Oooh must browse you and your

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Thanks for the message invite to stop by your blog! Happy New Year girl and all my best to you!

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