Tuesday, 20 January 2009

January Jones

Girl been shopping.
New stuff
I swagged:

DKNY woman perfume
Dior bronzer (and the assistant gave me a load of freebies when i mentioned it was my birthday the following day)

Set of 5 mini note books with titles like "secrets and wishes" "favorite places"

Box set of 3 x note books in pink and chocolate brown (think this may be a new obsession!)

DKNY handbag from ebay (gorgeous gorgeous)

Dior make up pallet from ebay

DKNY mini clutch bag from ebay(not arrived yet)
Estee Lauder pure pops x 7
Juicy Tube "showered in Diamonds"
I also got a few more items but cant recall from the top of my head.
It was also my birthday and i got some wonderful cards and gifts from my loved ones and friends.
Been doing a lot of home improvement with my man and the place looks lovely.
Bought some new picture frames and a couple of vases.
Its also only 250 days till the wedding and i have an appointment at a local bridal centre on the 24th for a 1st trying on of a wedding dress, i have no idea what style i will chose. Its also exciting as all of my bridemaids will be there for their 1st try on also.
Am really looking forward to it and i may even put some pictures on if i see "my dream" dress while im in the shop.

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