Sunday 2 November 2008

Winter is here as i wore a scarf and gloves earlier today.

When it gets cold like today i tell myself that i will make my favorite detour to get home and walk the route that i used to take when heading home from primary school.
There are trees on each side of the street and as they are so old the roots have made the pavement rickety and unruly.
It has its own church with a small vicarage and tennis courts leading onto a play park.
This time of year the park is deserted due to the cold weather and the nights are drawing in making it darker earlier. Each house with its inviting lights is a joy to pass and has its own unique character. Sometimes when i take this journey i try to pretend that im 7 again imagining what games i would play when i eventually reached home. Most of the gardens will be full of the leaves fallen from the trees and if the curtains are not closed on some of the homes i get a sneek peek into peoples living room. The best time to walk down this street is christmas and im sure i will be making the detour soon.

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