Saturday, 26 February 2011

Sweet charity

Hello lovelies.

I worked till 9pm last night so i thought i deserved a lovely lie in this morning.
Had a bit of a headache too as i wore my hair in Japanese style buns yesterday and they were a bit tight so my head is sore this morning.

When we finally decided to get up, me and hubby took his mum out for late breakfast at a local diner/cafe. Had a scrummy brekky and a nice cup of tea.

We then had a wander round the shops and i picked up a few nice items from some charity shops.
Pictures below are what i swagged:

£5 from a Derian House which is a local charity. The make is Barratts.

£1.00 also from Derian House charity shop.

£1.00 This was from Salvation Army chairty shop. Made by Boots. The thread has come undone a little on the bottom but i will be able to fix it.

£1.00 from Help the aged. Made by a company called Jessica. Never seen this make before.

£1.00 help the Aged.

£1.00 help the aged - dont know what make but im guessing Dorothy Perkins like the one above

I love love love this.  £2.49 from Barnardo's. Made by Divided which i think is H&M. My fave find of the day.

Here's a picture of my big girl Miss Phoebe Kittensworth. She was being extra friendly so i thought id let her say hello.
Thanks for reading.

Take care

1 comment:

*Dainty*Dollymix* said...

Great blog post honey :) Nice to see a post from you!

Phoebe is so gorgeous! You got some great pictures!

Excellent charity shop finds lovely, the lipstick scarf is lovely!


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